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Wisdom and Encouragement from a Biblical Perspective Concerning Domestic Abuse

Wisdom and Encouragement from a Biblical Perspective Concerning Domestic Abuse.

“But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners.” Psalm 146:5-7

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Meet Carly

Meet Carly

Carly tried everything! She apologized for being an unsubmissive wife and sought to make herself available for all of his needs. She cooked and cleaned and did her best to fulfill every one of Frank’s demands. But he always needed more!

Meet Diamond

Meet Diamond

“It was like a switch flipped in him after his porn addiction was discovered,…I knew it was an abusive relationship in my heart, but I needed that external validation and confirmation. I felt so crazy, confused, and hopeless!

Meet Jewel

Meet Jewel

“It was like a horrendous dust storm that was too significant at the time to settle, so I couldn’t fully grasp what had and was occurring. My thoughts were muddled. I was crushed but would do my best to try to understand and succeed regardless. It was just an endless string of what-ifs.”


Scars do not need to define us, rather through us engaging with Jesus’ scars and letting
his wounds touch our wounds, we can find healing and identity—we can be defined by hope!

The day my world came crashing down

The day my world came crashing down

Guest Post by Sage Sparrow I’m a survivor of domestic abuse and I remember the day my world as I knew it came crashing down around me.  I got a phone call from an elder at my church hours before I was planning to help lead a children’s program. Don’t come, not for...