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Wisdom and Encouragement from a Biblical Perspective Concerning Domestic Abuse

Wisdom and Encouragement from a Biblical Perspective Concerning Domestic Abuse.

“But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners.” Psalm 146:5-7

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The day my world came crashing down

The day my world came crashing down

Guest Post by Sage Sparrow I’m a survivor of domestic abuse and I remember the day my world as I knew it came crashing down around me.  I got a phone call from an elder at my church hours before I was planning to help lead a children’s program. Don’t come, not for...

When an Email Breaks Your Heart

When an Email Breaks Your Heart

Every day, I receive e-mails here at Called to Peace and sometimes they just stop you in your tracks. There are days I just have to take a minute before responding because this is the news no one sees.

The Real Pandemic: Domestic Abuse During COVID-19

The Real Pandemic: Domestic Abuse During COVID-19

Guest Post by Naomi Jubilee, Administrative Assistant, Called to Peace Ministries If you’ve seen the news, you probably haven’t heard about the sharp increase in domestic abuse. The news is mostly focused on COVID-19 case numbers, stay at home timelines, and whether...

Meet Pearl

Meet Pearl

According to her husband and his reading of submission verses to her – everything
was her fault. She began to read books on submission, one of them taught her that if she could do all the right things,
adore/reverence, and make her husband’s life easy, the abuse would stop. She
decided to follow the book’s advice, but the more submission she gave him, the
more he demanded, and the more he exerted control.

Irreconcilable Differences

Irreconcilable Differences

The Destructive Impact of a Lack of Humility in Our Nation When I used to do marriage counseling, there were certain attitudes on the part of one, or both, spouses that I knew would doom a marriage. If I could not get them to empathize with one another or see things...

It’s the Little Things

It’s the Little Things

I stepped out bravely into what I thought would be rebuilding my new life. I wasn’t expecting a gazillion trips to my attorney’s office, the domestic abuse center, and court, including parking fees each day I had to go. I wasn’t expecting medical appointments for the children and the expenses that my husband refused to reimburse. Child support took six months to get settled. None of that was in my plan.

How Twisting Words Destroys Relationships

How Twisting Words Destroys Relationships

In the last 5-10 years I've seen this happening not only in individual relationships, but on a societal level. Our nation has become so divided as we automatically assume evil motives on the part of anyone who disagrees with us. On social media people judge and...

Recognizing Bad Fruit Isn’t Judging

Recognizing Bad Fruit Isn’t Judging

However, recognizing bad fruit doesn’t require judgment. It’s obvious. The fruit is either good or bad. I’d say when someone curses you again and again or spits in your face and utters hateful words, that is bad fruit. If someone oppresses you, or restricts your freedom to even think or act independently, that’s bad fruit– and God hates it.

Deadly Counseling

Deadly Counseling

I'm so grateful that our churches seem to be waking up and responding better to domestic abuse these days. But for every church we see working on getting educated we see many more still resorting to counsel like this. Please continue to pray with us that our churches...

he makes all things new

he makes all things new

Sometimes when we’ve suffered, we start to believe we will never overcome, but as you begin this new year (this new decade) my prayer for you is that you will find God’s goodness in the midst of your pain. He will make all things beautiful in his time and he will...