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Do I need Advocacy Support?

Are you experiencing the impacts of domestic abuse and are fearful of how to proceed with the many issues you currently face (i.e., court challenges, finances, safety, housing, parenting challenges, etc.)?

You may feel too overwhelmed to navigate these challenges alone. A CTPM-trained advocate can offer faith-based, confidential services to help you navigate these complex issues through community support and individual support.
Advocates guide survivors through the intricate matters they face. They connect survivors to resources and tools to help them explore their options in order to achieve the best possible outcome. Advocates further serve survivors as mentors through active listening, offering support, education, and encouragement.

is it really abuse?

Assess your situation with the Warning Signs Quiz below. When you’re ready, we can help guide you with your next steps by filling out the form below to Request an Advocate.

How we help counselors and people helpers

We have several training videos that may provide guidance and/or clarity in identifying the signs of domesic abuse. In addition, we provide advocacy services to help you and your client find the best and safest path forward. Many counselors and people helpers choose to take our one-year training program to learn all they can about ways to help their clients. We have special breakout sessions at our annual retreats to help sharpen your skills in dealing with complex abuse-related issues. You can access prior retreats and conferences here.

Why we help

Using power and control to diminish others and to promote selfish interests stands in direct opposition to God’s heart for the weak, needy, and oppressed.

Scripture uses the term oppression to describe such behavior and God clearly hates it (Is. 1:17, Ps. 147:7-9 Ex. 22:7). He commanded his people not to “lord it over” others (Mt. 20:25-28,1 Pet. 5:3).

The Bible is filled with passages on God’s heart for the oppressed. In the New Testament, the religious leaders who opposed Jesus and the disciples provide us with clear examples of the abusive mindset—prideful, entitled, self-righteous, and self-promoting. Their agenda was to have more power than Jesus, and they stopped at nothing to get it. The same is true of abusive people. Therefore, we should never underestimate the potential for danger, even if the control has not yet escalated to physical injury. We should also understand the multiple impacts of all forms of abuse.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, we find that these abusive traits are the exact opposite of God’s definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13. We often ask those suffering in destructive relationships to read this passage, because it can also be a great way to help them determine whether their relationships are abusive.


“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalms 82: 3-4 ESV