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Letting Go & Holding On

by | Sep 19, 2014 | Devotionals

Father, I feel a little beat up by life today. I see so many broken people all around me, chasing after happiness and throwing it away with both hands. It hurts to watch. I understand it; because that is the way I lived for so many years. I was your child, but I was not your disciple. My feelings and desires controlled me, and the end result was not good. I had no peace and no stability. Like the house built on the sand (Mt. 7:26-27), if circumstances went bad, I was completely undone. I was constantly seeking satisfaction, but the most I could achieve was temporary happiness. In your economy, we have to deny self and lose our lives in order to find true life (Mt. 16:24-25). It goes against every human instinct, so without your Spirit it is impossible. Learning to yield was the most difficult and most freeing thing I’ve ever done. Learning to accept the fact that your ways are better and higher than mine has been life changing, while holding onto my selfish desires was like holding onto the very chains that kept me bound. Surrendering all to You meant dropping those chains and finding liberty. Each day I have to surrender everything all over again, and I am so grateful for the power You give to those whose hearts are fully surrendered. You strength is made perfect in weakness, and your grace is enough to sustain me daily (2 Cor. 12:9). I am not left to wallow in self-made misery. Thank You for life and for freedom. Thank You for caring enough to enter my bondage so I could be free. I no longer have to worry about trying to control the world and people around me. I can leave it all in your hands, and love people rather than manipulate them. I can leave them in your hands, and trust You for the outcome. Even if things don’t change right away, I know I am only responsible to speak the truth in love and not their response. This morning Lord, I am putting on the armor You have provided for me to fight the battles of life. I am clinging to your truth and choosing to walk in faith rather than fear (Eph. 6:10-18). I know that as I walk with You, You will bring victory. I am forever grateful to You! Your goodness overwhelms me. That You would choose to enter our misery in order to redeem us blows my mind. The Selfless came to die for the selfish. Simply amazing! Thank You! Fill me with your love, and help me to shine that amazing grace towards others today. I need You every moment. Help me to keep in step with your Spirit today (Gal. 5:25). Amen

Sweet child, I hear your pleas, and I love those broken children even more than you do. You must understand that I am calling them, but they are not ready to hear. That does not mean I am sitting idly by. I am eternal, and patient enough to allow them time to come to the end of themselves. Since you are bound by time, you are not as patient. Trust Me. It is the only thing you can do right now. Allow Me time to work in their hearts, and do not try to control anything. It will simply make things worse, and damage your relationships. Hold onto Me and let go of the reins. Let Me give you rest in the midst of the turmoil. Keep your eyes on Me, or you will surely give into despair. There is always hope when you know Me. Faith, hope and love should be defining characteristics in the lives of all my children. Love is the greatest (1 Cor. 13:13), and that is because without it the other two would not exist. My perfect love dispels the fear that is so contrary to faith, and since that love was proven by the ultimate act of redemption it proves that no one is hopeless (1 Jn. 4:18). Today I ask you to simply hold on to Me. You do not need to strive. Imagine Me as your hero galloping in on my steed with an outstretched arm to pick up my damsel in distress. All you have to do is hold out your hand and take mine as I lift you up. Then all you need to do is hold on for the ride. Let me hide you in the shelter of my love, and I will fight the battle.