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When Every Door Closes

by | Sep 22, 2014 | Devotionals

This post just came to mind so I looked it up. Five and a half years I see His hand so clearly. The redirection from those closed doors lead to Called to Peace Ministries, and it’s grown beyond anything I ever would have expected. His hand is all over it. If you’re in what seems to be limbo, wait on Him. He always has a plan. 💗

Good morning Lord. It seems like doors are slamming in every area of my life on a daily basis. Right now I recognize that I have a choice. I can get frustrated and see myself as a victim, or I can be wise, and realize that You are sovereign over the people and circumstances that seem to be slamming those doors. They would have no power if You did not allow it. I have lived long enough now to recognize your hand behind situations that seem out of control. Although I recognize your sovereignty, I have to say that it still hurts to let go of my dreams of the way I imagined life and ministry would look. I know that your ways are higher than mine, and your perfect plan involves a process of sanctification on my part. I have to let go of pride and control, realizing that the closing doors are lessons in letting go. I also recognize that You want to use these barriers to redirect me. The problem is I don’t seem to have enough light to know which way to move. You have sent a few people into my pathway to offer guidance, but I honestly can’t see how it all fits together. I have a dream that seems impossible. Yet, I know that nothing is impossible with You, so this is going to have to be supernatural all around. I have very little idea of which way to turn. Give me clarity Lord. I need your help desperately, and in the meantime I will choose to praise You while I wait. Amen

Little one, hold my hand as you go through this dark place. You cannot see ahead of you, but I can. I have brought you here for a reason, and will open the next door in my perfect timing. As long as you hold onto Me, you will not stumble. Remember your walk is one of faith and not sight (2 Cor. 5:7). This season will reinforce that truth. Stop looking for a breakthrough. Instead, just forget what is behind and reach forward to what lies ahead (Ph. 3:13-14). As you do you will find my hand, and experience my leading. Do not stop to try and figure things out, just follow Me. There will be a breakthrough in time, but even then you will have to take each step by faith. Your road on earth will never be one of security and ease. Instead it will be a journey of continued opportunities to grow in faith. Your assignment here is to press forward, and not let the past weigh you down. You are correct that I have allowed doors to close in order to redirect you. Understanding that truth should give you assurance and confidence that the darkness is only temporary. Use this time to draw closer to your source. Seek Me and not answers. I have this under control, so you do not need to strive. Trust in Me with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding. In everything, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your path (Pr. 3:5-6).