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They’re Driving Me Crazy!

by | Jul 11, 2014 | Devotionals

When People “Make” us Anxious…

Lord, today I ask You to remove any anxious ways in me. It is so easy to allow the circumstances of life and people to plunge me into stress and anxiety. How did You do it? You were so connected to the Father that with a sea of hurting people around You, You were never anxious. You were fixed in purpose and had confidence in the sovereign plan of the Father. Help me be the same way. Sometimes counseling can be so frustrating. People don’t receive truth and insist on believing lies. It is so hard to watch them struggle when I know the freedom You offer. That’s the part I’m having a hard time with. It is painful to watch people self-destruct. I know it grieves You too, but it doesn’t cause You anxiety. Help me get to that point. Help me realize that their success or failure is not in my hands, but yours. Help me surrender them to You, and not to worry. I am sure that when I let it stress me out, I am far less effective, or even ineffective, for your kingdom. Walking in the flesh is what truly causes stress, while walking in the Spirit brings peace. Help me cling to You and to walk in your Spirit today, and help this poor, confused person I am counseling to see the truth. Amen

My people perish for a lack of knowledge. Your task is simply to share the knowledge of my truth. You are correct that you are not responsible for the outcome. Remember my words to Ezekiel, you must speak whether they listen or not. Only I know what is in a person’s heart, and when that seed will penetrate the soil. Perhaps I will bring circumstances into their lives that will make them more willing to break up the fallow soil, but if they continue to resist, that is not your responsibility. I know it grieves you, it grieves Me as well, but when you stay stressed it means you are striving and not surrendering them to Me. Remember the years that you believed lies? You would not receive the truth, because it was too painful. Surgery is never without pain. Some of these people need some complicated procedures, and healing takes time. Those who belong to Me will eventually receive my truth, because I am faithful to complete the work I begin in them. Some of those you see are not my sheep. Share my message of hope. If you lack wisdom, ask Me. I can show you their hearts. Unfortunately, that will not always be easy to see. Until you stand in my presence, there will be pain, sorrow and trouble, but those who are mine have been made overcomers. You will lead some to freedom, and others will choose bondage. Stay close to Me, and rejoice in the love and grace I pour out on you daily. It is sufficient.   Hos. 4:6; Ezek. 2:3-3:27; Phil. 1:6: Jas. 1:5; 2 Cor. 2:14 & 12:9