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Rising Above the Storms

by | Jan 30, 2014 | Devotionals

Lord, please use me today. Help me to open my mouth when You lead, and to shut it when you lead. I have such talent for doing the opposite. I yield myself to you right now, and ask that You give me a heart that is sensitive to your Spirit. I know that nothing good comes when I fail to seek You. Here I am, use me. You know the requests of my heart for the people I love. I put them in your hands, and ask that You would intervene in mighty ways. I pray the blessing of knowing You for the ones who don’t know You, and ask that you would remove the scales from their blind eyes. Help them to see that all their efforts to hold You back are only efforts to harm themselves. I see the emptiness and misery, and long for them to know the satisfaction and joy only You can bring. Father, if You can use me in that process, please do.

I also ask You to intervene with my loved ones who claim to know You, and are not walking in your ways. I see them bringing misery on themselves by rejecting your truth and replacing You with shallow substitutes that can never satisfy. I know, because I did it for so long, and it made me miserable. A child of God should never be miserable. There are times when we will grieve, but those who are completely yielded to You will have peace and comfort, even in the midst of grief. Sadly, I see my loved ones floundering through life, tossed to and fro by circumstances, rather than standing on the Rock. Help them to see that those who surrender all to You will not be shaken or controlled by every wind and wave of life. There are times when I fall prey to this as well—the times when I take my eyes off of You—just like Peter when he was walking on the water. Help us see You more clearly Lord, and help us all to set our gaze on You. When we do, we can overcome anything. I am so grateful for your amazing love and mercy. Pour it over my friends and family today. Help your people shine in the darkness. Amen

Dear One, it brings joy to my heart when you seek Me first. Thank you for giving Me the first part of your day. You know what happens when you do not—so much wasted time and missed opportunities to serve Me. Today will be different. Stay in my presence. I will open your mouth at the right times, and close it at the right times. I have heard your prayers, and am working with your loved ones in ways that you cannot see. Only I can see the heart, and only I know their thoughts. In the long run, I have been able to use all of your mistakes for my kingdom, and I can do the same for them. Be sure you do not take the burden of their lives on yourself. It is too heavy for you to bear, but my yoke is easy and my burden light. Entrust them to Me, and do not be anxious. I am able, and want to use these little ones to teach you to trust Me more. I can redeem anything, and my heart for them is filled with love and good intentions. Leave them in my hands, and do not try to take my place in their lives. Continue to lift them up to Me, and then let them go. For when you try to control it, I step back. The answer will come more quickly as you constantly yield them to Me. Trust me dear daughter. You know I have this, so leave it in my hands. I am mighty to save, and mighty to restore the years the locusts have eaten. You look at things from a human perspective, but my thoughts and ways are so much higher. Come up into my presence and let me help you see from here. Rise up on wings as an eagle and ride above the storms of life. It is your choice to either ride the storms or be tossed around by them. I have given you wings to fly, so choose to rise. Rest and soar with Me today.