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Living for the Unseen World

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Devotionals

Lord, I come to You this morning filled with cares of the world. Forgive me. You know my needs, and I know You will meet them according to your riches in glory. Help me to stop meditating on things that are seen, and start meditating on You and the unseen kingdom instead. I surely do need You every hour. It amazes me how weak I am, and how patient You are! Thank You so much! There is nothing I could ever do to thank You enough. While I can’t earn your favor, I certainly want to show my gratitude by living in a way that honors and glorifies You. I feel like I fall so short every day; that is why I have to take the time to sit at your feet. I need your direction for my day, because I seem to have a propensity to waste time or at least to spend it on things of lesser importance. Lord, I want You to be in the driver’s seat. Why is it such a struggle? This world system just seems to take over, and I feel like I am anemic, as are so many in the American church. Father, please waken your people. Help us to shine for You in this dark world.

Dear Child, you are mine. I hold you in my able hands. Let go of the concerns and worry. Just sit and worship a while. Continue to lift your loved ones up to Me. I am more than able, even when you don’t see a way. Remember to aim your affections and passions on Me, and you will find the answers you desire. You are asking according to my will, but you must also abide in Me, and my Word must permeate your soul. Nothing is impossible when you abide in Me. You know how much you need Me, so walk in that knowledge, ever looking up and not to the left or right. I will uphold you and strengthen you. I can enable you to live far above your nature and the world in general. In the world you will have trouble, but cheer up, I have overcome the world.